WIEmpower 2.0

17-23 April, 2020


WIEmpower is the 2-day flagship event organised by IEEE IGDTUW and IEEE Delhi Section in association with Department of Science and Technology on March 17-23, 2020. WIEmpower consisted of the following tracks:

  • Logothon: An opportunity to design the logo of our biggest event, WIEmpower. It had an overwhelming response.
  • A Case Study Competition: The two-day competition, where participants were provided with a case study and they had to propose solution or idea with the given time frame. It witnessed over participation of about 500 students from universities like IIT Delhi, IIT BHU, DTU, NSIT to name a few.
  • Code-o-fiesta: This competition was organised on the last day WIEmpower where the participants had to solve some coding questions. The competiton witnessed students from colleges outside Delhi, over 100+ registration and it was a huge success.

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4 Speakers
3 Competition
0 Participants